Sanador espiritual
Steve is a psychic and zero point quantum energy practitioner. A Quantum Healer has the ability to create a high frequency of life-force energy and then using that energy able to place this field of high energy around an area of pain, stress, inflammation, or disease. Doing this process is understood to amplify our body’s natural healing ability. At a very young age Steve was struck by a motor vehicle and this event bio electrically connected him to the quantum field. During Steve’s near death experience he experienced sitting with a being comprised solely of light. The being of light revealed to Steve the quantum field and its connection to humanities healing contained in their divine blueprint. Steve’s gift enables him to stimulate emotional and physical healing from any distance through quantum entanglement and photonics. Every living being emits Biophotons or weak radiation generated as a bio electrical field and this is what links all living beings to collective consciousness. By using his unique gifts he is able to create a zero point field or ground state for the bio electrical nervous system and open pathways for healing. Steve began using his gifts to give back to humanity by first studying Usui Reiki over ten years ago and has only grown from there. He now teaches heals and coaches clients from around the world. Steve works with hundreds of clients of all ages and backgrounds, guiding them on their journey of freedom from pain and trauma. Steve has a wide range of experience healing both spiritual and physical ailments from cancerous tumors to common injuries.
Sanadora espiritual
Vengo de las estrellas, en mi eterna conexión sagrada y divina del Sistema de las Estrellas de Sirius. Soy ancestral como la Tierra misma. Guardo sabiduría sagrada del Universo que se viene activando a través de los recuerdos de mis memorias. Guardiana de las semillas estelares de cristal sembradas en Sofia, el gran espíritu del planeta Tierra. Trabajo con el rayo violeta, rosa y verde pues mi labor implica transmutar y expandir el sagrado chakra corazón y corona. En mi reside la energía de la amada maestra Kwan Yin. Cuando el amor nace de tu hermoso corazón blanco es porque estás unido intensamente con el gran Dios Central, Dios Padre Madre. Ahí reside la belleza del vínculo indivisible con la sagrada Maestra Ascendida Kwan Yin, quien nos enseña a trabajar el perdón y la compasión universal.